Today begins new series with Timothy S Currey about his fantasy book, The Isle of Thamber. Today we talk about story beginnings and character creation.
Mr. Currey's newest book, Death of the Tree Path is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited and you should check it out.
I don't have a website, but I do have a blog.
Theme music is by Hannah Ausband Scheidt.
If you’d like to support this podcast, please visit our Patreon.
My wife's podcast is called Sincerely, Someone Else.
Authors interested in appearing in this podcast can reach out at [email protected]
Things mentioned in the podcast:
Harry Potter
To Kill a Mockingbird
Lord of the Flies
Tyranny of Shadows (another book by Mr. Currye)
Josiah Davis (editor)
Invisible Ink
The Stranger
Business Wars - Diamond Wars