Should you get a degree in your field or is there specific training that would take you farther? Today on Full Time Hustle we're talking about how we learned the skills needed for our business and how we choose to do paid or free training, online or in person, and formal or informal education.
-Paid, free-Online or in person-Formal or informal
I learned photography from The Pioneer Woman's "What the Heck is an Aperture" blog series. It's a 4 part series she wrote in 2008. I printed out all the pages and used it as my textbook to learn photography. That's a little insane, but it proves how you can truly learn without paying money.
HOWEVER, I've also paid for training from area photographers who are excelling in their fields.
The biggest thing is to know what you want and need to learn. Figure out the best place-- whether it's free, paid, formal or informal, online or in person. And then go for it! Take it very seriously. Even if it's informal or free, treat it with importance.