Hello all and welcome to the first episode of Furthest Edge in the shiny new year! Furthest Edge is not a brand new show, it has been running since April/May but I was still uncertain of my radio skills. Furthest Edge is a show about radio drama, how to write, record and edit it as well as featuring it's own original radio drama or audio fiction in general. I used to use podcast novels or audio drama but this year I'm bringing brand new content to your ears. Now that I have a couple months of experience I thought it was time to bring Furthest Edge onto the Internet! This is the first show not only of 2011 but the first on iTunes (hopefully). That's pretty much the biggest reason for making this blog. Onto the first show notes for Furthest Edge.
First, I talk about what Furthest Edge is going to be and do in 2011, then I ramble about shows past. After that I finally get to a special radio drama from awhile back. The Shadow, Joey's Christmas Story. This is only part one, the next one will be played at the end of next week's show. Throughout this episode you will hear multiple screw-ups and mistakes. I apologize, it isn't usually like this. Normally it is a much more professional show. I do think I need a technical assistant to press buttons for me. If your interested, email me ;)
Mondays 6-7pm (PST)
Email the show: [email protected]
Call in: (650) 646-5736 / (650) 879-9800
Listen Online: http://kpdo.org/listenlive.php
Facebook Page: Furthest Edge Facebook
Twitter: @FurthestEdge