Airdate: Sunday 5/24/15 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.
Brian Breikss of Breaking Balls joins us for another informative show on Ball Python morphs and his special projects including the Red Head. We will touch on current morphs that he is working on and current events in the Ball Python community. We welcome your questions, comments and discussion topics.
Call in at 646-478-5331. Once connected press #1 to be put in the que to come on the air. I will take calls in the order that they are received. We may have a raffle for people who call in. Our chatroom runs during the live broadcast as well. Join in on the fun by following the show link at the time of the live broadcast. It works best with Google and Fire fox browsers. You may need to refresh your page to get it to initiate. Looking forward to another great episode. See you there!
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