Farscape 20th Anniversary Celebration at San Diego Comiccon and After party For the Fans!!!
It’s the Farscape 20th anniversary celebration happening in San Diego and Beau and Mike are talking with Gigi Edgley (Chiana) from Farscape and the Amazing James Ganiere (you’ll understand why he’s amazing during the episode) I don’t know how Mike and Beau manage to hold it together….. they are professionals? Nah! They just managed to contain themselves long enough to make it through, but you can tell Mike is cracking as he is waiting to squeal in the background.
- San Diego Comic Con celebration and Panel
- There will be and after party for the fans to attend and meet some of the stars of Farscape
- We have Gigi Edgley pretty much holding the podcast together and keeping the guys on topic
- Gigi has been really busy working in everything the fans would like
- She (Gigi) has been in an episode of Star Trek Continues
- Check out the trailer for Hashtag starring Gigi
Geek memories of the past meet with hope for future geek shows to marvel our little minds, the guys go in talking about the event at the comic con and inside topics about their love for the fandom, we have only Beau and Mike today because the other Mike would cause the combo to explode in a geek bomb and Pete is braving Tormented space to yet again achieve even greater enlightenment.
Check Gigi at http://www.gigiedgley.com/ and James at https://riovistauniversal.com/ and get ticket for the event at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/official-farscape-20th-anniversary-san-diego-comic-con-vip-party-tickets-63398950969
Suggestions? Complaints- Drop us a line, and if they’re awesome we’ll read them over the air. [email protected] [email protected]
– Follow @daspetey for cartoons , claymations & check out his new album, DiamondHead, now on Itunes- Thanks again Pete!
-We have a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/geekotweek) – GOTW news, updates and sweet sweet geek love. Subscribe on Itunes (itpc://feeds.feedburner.com/geekoftheweekpodcast) and Rss! (http://feeds.feedburner.com/geekoftheweekpodcast) We’re also on Stitcher (http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=82792&refid=stpr) too! Oh yeah, sweet sweet tweets too, for the Facebook disinclined.
-Once again, a big shout out to our favorite band Freak Kitchen (http://www.freakkitchen.com) for our intro, check out band news and tour dates on Facebook.
-Ending music is See Ya later by our boy Adrian (KO). Check out Life is Suite Music for new releases by KO and his Crew of awesome artists.
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