Payday lenders provide fast cash when you feel you have no other options. Often used for things like emergency expenses, medical costs, overdue bills. However, they are actually the scum of the earth. They have incredibly high fees, and are extremely immoral and predatory. On this episode, Azaria highlights the issue of payday lenders to Nath and explains:
👉🏻 how payday loans work👉🏼 payday lenders you may have heard of👉🏽 how they make money👉 what the alternatives are if you need cash👉🏿 who you can reach out to if you're struggling with debt
More info on payday loans:
National debt hotline:
Mob Strong Debt Help
Finding a financial counsellor
Centrelink advance payments
No interest loans
Help for paying overdue bills or fines:
Sample letters to use for financial hardship:
No interest loans:
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