Every Tuesday in April we are focusing on Women Podcast Editors: women who podcast edit, either for their own projects, for clients or both.
We enjoy podcast editing and want to inspire other women to edit podcasts.
In our second panel we chatted with Suzy in the UK, Casey in the U.S., Mary in Canada and me, an American expat in Albania. We chatted about what we handle content editing, how to deal with pauses/silences ("know when the hold 'em, know when to show them, know when to walk away'. song reference, lol, sorry, I could not resist!), how much time it takes us to edit a 30 minute raw edit podcast and more.
Reflections on the event and the editing of the podcast episodes that come from it are available in my podcast editing newsletter: https://archive.aweber.com/awlist5931082/88gkB ( archive.aweber.com/awlist5931082/88gkB)
A special thank you to Casey Broda, for guest editing this episode!
***Online tip jar: Buy Me A Coffee:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/geopats ( www.buymeacoffee.com/geopats)***
Geopats Global Women Podcast Editor Panel playlist:
https://t.co/vPsVW6VGyU?amp=1 (https://podchaser.com/lists/geopats-podcasting-global-women-podcast-editor-panels-107aDoFAIg…)
Add RSS feed to your podcast app: https://t.co/eJ60hoCrsw?amp=1 (https://podchaser.com/export/list/31506/rss…)
This panel conversation topics:
(:00) Panel and Panelists Introductions
(4:37) How can you make your podcast editing more efficient?
(14:57) Do you have any tips for using Final Cut Pro X (question from viewer Hannah)
(20:57 ) What types of podcasts do we usually edit?
(22:57) Are there a few go to techniques that you employ for incomplete thoughts?
(33:00) How do we encourage more women to get into podcast editing?
(39:32) How do you handle style in your editing? (including music)
Panelists Info:
Casey Broda (USA): Podcast Editor, Cover Art, and Social Media Management
IG: https://www.instagram.com/caseybroda/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/caseybroda/?hl=en)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyBroda (https://twitter.com/CaseyBroda)
Website: http://www.caseybroda.com/ (www.CaseyBroda.com)
Mary Chan (Canada): Podcast Strategist, Voice Coach, and Voice Over Artist
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/organizedsoundproductions/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/organizedsoundproductions/?hl=en)
https://www.instagram.com/organizedsoundproductions/?hl=en ()Website: http://www.organizedsound.ca/ (http://www.organizedsound.ca/)
Suzy Buttress (UK): Producer, Host, Editor of the Casual Birder Podcast
Twitter:https://twitter.com/CasualBirderPod ( https://twitter.com/CasualBirderPod)
IG: https://www.instagram.com/casualbirderpodcast/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/casualbirderpodcast/?hl=en)
Website: http://www.casualbirder.com/ (www.casualbirder.com)
More information about the Panelists and the other 2 panels this month:https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopatspodcasting/live-global-women-podcast-editor-panels-april-2021 ( https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopatspodcasting/live-global-women-podcast-editor-panels-april-2021)
https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopatspodcasting/live-global-women-podcast-editor-panels-april-2021 ()Our new Geopats Podcasting Logo was created by Ronald Paredes. https://mundosanto.art/ ( https://mundosanto.art/)
I’d love to hear from you!https://twitter.com/stephfuccio ( Twitter),https://www.instagram.com/stephfuccio ( Instagram),http://www.linkedin.com/in/dstephfuccio/ ( LinkedIn) and you can even leave a voice message onhttps://stephfuccio.weebly.com/contact.html ( Speakpipe).https://www.stephfuccio.com/napodpomo/32 ( )