Explaining different topics of discussion
Omega 3'sOpioid Crisis - There is a REAL problem going onStart of article from Life Extension Foundation "Why Blood Tests Are Not Saving More Lives"
The problem with bloodtests, especially with the focus on cholesterol
Article focuses on heart, atherosclerosis, apolipoprotein B
Jacobus explains "LDL" triglycerides and the risk factors
Test for particle size of LDL
Text Message about polyphenols and bioflavonoids
- elasticity of the blood vessels
Water soluble/fat soluble - viscosity of bloodflow
Jacobus explains EPA & DHA
Blood thinners Prescription - no herb starting with "G"
Continue the article from Track 1
Tri-Med Services - does particle size + Apo B
Apolipoprotein B - found on the outside of LDL surface can damage arterial walls and endothelium tissue
- elevated + "healthy" cholesterol (60% increase)
elevated + "high" cholesterol (100% increase)Walnuts good for cardio health
Sugar - added sugar increases apo - B
Exercise - Apo B will go down
Sleep - very important to lower apo - B
Thyroid Hormones - low thyroid = increased cholesterol
- instead of statin drugs - better option is work to improve thyroid issue
Effects of Fish Oil - 1 tbsp daily = 3-% reduction in production of apo - B and triglycerides
- analogy of fireplace: logs vs paper
Acute risk of excess apo - B - ratio of apo - B vs apo - A when close = Indole 3 - cartinol will lower Apo B +/-56%
Continue with Blood Testing Problems
homocysteineApolipoprotein BIndole - 3 - Carbinol - reduces apo B by as much as 56% & also reduces excess estrogen
Talk about prescription drug REPATHA
Explaining TSH Range in bloodtests
Explaining Vitamin D3 Range in bloodtests
Explaining Hemoglobin A, C Range in bloodtests
Explaining Homocysteine Range in bloodtests
Explaining Testosterone - Estradiol - DHEA 5 Range in bloodtests
Article about "Omega 3 Intake and Lower Risk of Mortality"
- during 16 years of follow - up
240,000 + men and 181,000 womenExplaining EPA and DHA BenefitsText Message: 1 slice of Bacon/Day is it bad or okay?
Text Message: What about Pickle Juice is that good for arteries?
Remembering Apollo 2 landing on the mood
Neil Armstrong interview what happened to him & how he viewed the historic impact
Buzz Aldrin - his life after Apollo 2
Call about Dutch returning DDay Flag to the US
Call to repeat things that shouldn't be taken for high cholesterol
Article released by Washington Post
DEA first-time ever, that tracks every pill has been made public (the data base)
Largest civil action has lead to over 100,000 death (2006-2012)
Judge Dan Polster removed protective database (ARCOS)
Biggest takeaways from the article:
roadmaps to opioid epidemiccompanies flooded market with opioids76 Billion oxycodone etc on the market6 companies: 75% of all opioids distributedBy contrast, doses of morphine 500 million morphine1 year: 12,600,000,000 : 330 million people = 38 pills/person- : 12 months : 1 Billion 50 million by month
: 52 weeks : 242 million/ week: 365 days : 34 million/daystates that received the highest concentration of pills- Rural areas received a lot of pills per year
numbers from MT: 245,472,116: 7 years- 35,067,00/year : 1 million persons = 35 per person/year
Mckesson Corporation = #1Comparing County-level opioid death in USAThis whole system was set in place said these pills were not addictive - WRONG!
Natural Alternatives for pain: