Crass nepotism?! Why yes! Luckily, while my guest on this show is one of my brothers, he’s also a fascinating maker and learner. We talked about woodworking, music, curling, teaching as a learning technique, and a bunch of other stuff. I’m really glad I had him on. I think you’ll enjoy our conversation as well.
Oh, and I’m told we sound a lot alike. By both my wife and our mother, so it’s on good authority. If you find our voices confusingly similar, I suggest using headphones. I’ve edited the audio so we have some stereo separation between us.
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This episode is also available on YouTube. View it there for a transcript and subtitles.
Links and Notes
- NPR’s Science Friday
- MDF – Medium Density Fibreboard
- Woodworking jigs
- Flexner on Finishing – one of the definitive works on finishing in woodworking
- Curling
- – the app Clint mentioned that he uses to help with set lists and lyrics
Pictures and Videos
A family resemblance? You judge. Craig left, Clint right.
Various pictures of the box drum, or Cajon, that Clint built
The Cajon in action, with the snare active
The Cajon again, this time without snare
A curling stone on pebbled ice
Clint, curling