This week on Ghosted Stories, Chelsea (@thechelseawhite) and Erin (@erinleafe) are really bringing the heat with our most party ep ever when we chat with the hosts of The Ryan Show - Ryan, Hamptons Dave, Mr. Cheeks and his wife Chi Chi makes a guest appearance! (@theryanshow / @hamptonsdave / @mrcheekslbmafia / @darealmistacheeks132) about how they made the best podcast gumbo ever, how to woo women with eclairs, and Chi Chi drops a bomb halfway through the ep revealing to us that she DOES AUTOPSIES FOR A LIVING!!!! We would love you for subscribing, rating, and reviewing and telling a friend about us if you love this podcast! Email us your ghosted stories, dating questions and concerns to [email protected] and we may feature them in a future episode! Follow us on Twitter @GhostedStories and Instagram @GhostedStoriesPodcast. Boo!