In this episode, Amal and Jacob discuss the two books that have left a lasting impression on their thinking or their relationship to books, relationships and life.
Jacob discusses the book that inspired him to read more, to open up his imagination, none other than J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series which was read to Jacob by his father at the very young age of seven or eight. This prompted a desire for Jacob to read a lot, in particular the genre of fantasy, for the next decade.
Amal discusses a book that has profoundly influenced how he views the world, validated his belief in optimism, and given him a toolkit to learn more. Amal chose The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutch, and specifically used a chapter, The Spark, to illustrate why humans are extra-ordinary animals in the scheme of the universe. Humans can create anything from anything, provided the laws of nature do not forbit it. To to moon!