🎙 The 4% rule is a common rule of thumb used by financial experts for decades to determine how much money you need for retirement. But it’s not necessarily the best advice for a number of reasons, especially when you’re aiming to FIRE and retire many years earlier than traditional retirement. So why doesn’t the 4% rule work? And how do you then determine how much money you need to be able to retire? 🤔
This episode discusses topics like:
🌟 The biggest problem with the 4% rule that many financial experts overlook;
🌟 Why the 4% rule isn’t the best tool to determine how much money you need for early retirement; and
🌟 How to calculate your FIRE number.
Links from this episode:
Episode transcript and show notes: https://www.papermoneyco.com/23-4-rule-retirement
The 4% rule of thumb for retirement withdrawals: https://www.thebalance.com/dont-confuse-these-two-retirement-rules-of-thumb-453920
How to 4% rule works in retirement: https://www.thebalance.com/what-is-the-4percent-rule-in-retirement-2388273
Aussie HIFIRE: The 4% rule in Australia: https://aussiehifire.com/2018/11/21/sequencing-risk-the-trinity-study-and-the-4-rule-in-australia/
Life expectancy at birth in 1998: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr48/nvs48_18.pdf
Wade Pfau: Retirement Researcher: https://retirementresearcher.com/the-4-rule-and-the-search-for-a-safe-withdrawal-rate/
Time codes:
00:00 Hello and Welcome!
01:49 What Is the 4% Rule?
05:14 Drawbacks of the Trinity Study and the 4% Rule
15:35 FIRE and Investment Calculator Spreadsheet
17:30 Portfolio Asset Allocation
25:07 How Priya Determines How Much She Needs for Retirement
31:16 Next Weeks’ Episode
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