TW: throwing up, bulimia and other eating disorders
Update since posting this episode: A&W has since released their plant based nuggets. Go ahead and try them out! We also discuss
In this episode we discuss the intersections between eating disorders and veganism as two people who have recovered from.
We explore the following topics:
How a strict whole food plant based diet often promotes orthorexic eating patterns
How eating plant based in 2021 is a lot different than in 2001 (resources, inspo, alternatives, costs thereof and accessibility thereto)
How taglines such as “All food is good food” push people to think that if you're not eating the “real thing” you’re doing something wrong in recovery, when in reality plant based foods are just sourced differently, they're not any less authentic or real
How listening to your hunger cues can be complicated and sometimes impossible when taking ADHD medication for example of while smoking and how those can also be used to restrict
Tips for going vegan with an eating disorder (anchoring yourself in your why, transitioning slowly, swapping foods instead of cutting them out, and being consistent in the swaps you make)