Granny M & Suny as we can hear and read are evolving, getting smarter by the day. Still, they cling to the down home accent anyway. It takes the edge off the intellectual subject matter and folks everywhere can enjoy the sound of it, unless it doesn’t but that’s not the point of these podcasts, these skits. It is to share what the planet’s friendly genius discovered and wrote about and how Granny M and Suny interpret Synergetics and now Bucky’s Utopia or Oblivion which was published in 1969. On top of all that there are the daily news headlines with examples of the PRJWBSC Politics Religion Justice War Belief System Complex, how far false premises can be taken as the inherently inviolable integrity of the individual seems of little value by comparison. It keeps our humanity set in a backward directed mode, promoting the slave mentality conditioning instead of obsoleting whatever manifests the contradictions that continue to plague our humanity everywhere on Earth in opposition to making the world work for everyone, not just for placating more indoctrinated indifference to the cosmically total truth. Let’s listen in today as Granny M & Suny react to OUC Episode 20, Vituperative Language As Escape Mechanisms. They also react to news events as they want to integrate the language of science and the cosmically total truth that is always further explore able.
“My stars! Why in Universe ain’t it clear as can be, folks on Earth been avoiding the comprehensive human experiences? Land & Ocean ain’t it ongoing, the trial and error we can’t avoid, no way, no how, not really? Till folks wise up them well intending authorities is gonna squeeze us into knowing less ‘bout degrees of freedom and even less ‘bout what the heck is going on. Like reforming the man is better, not reforming the environment. So’s them belief system authority traps ‘n prisons is all set to go, ready for the net gains of that old slave mentality conditioning, in one way or other. It looks that a way to me, Suny.”
“Golly, Granny M. How’s a mind gonna keep up with all rules, laws, lawyers, courts, prisons, jails, like folks is born to be driven into them dragnets one way or other from all I can tell. Right, Granny M.”
“You got that right, yes sirree, Suny. Folks trying to figure it out so they go backward more steps than a mind can count, not knowing one iota ‘bout them Strategic Questions Bucky Fuller, the Planet’s Friendly Genius asked himself, in the 20the Century.”
Wowy Dowy, Granny M,! That’s way closer to learning more than them old belief systems dark ages, going back hundreds and thousands of years, not knowing what to ask that a way, I’ll bet.”
“You’d be winning that bet, all right, Suny. But no way knowing what some of them folks wondered. One thing’s for sure, curiosity ‘bout cosmic ‘n local events must have touched on some of them strategic questions way back then, too. I imagine. What else is a mind to think? That’s what I’d like to know.”
“If’n folks today don’t ask, ‘n them old and young folks way back then when they was kids didn’t know to ask, when’s it gonna start, Granny M, asking them strategic questions? It’s got me worrying folks will all be in prison, or so depressed to use that vituperative language to the worst extreme. Folks gotta have a starting off list, to know starting with Universe. But, but, but if’n folks ain’t free to inquire, cogitating ‘n all, saying it outright, ‘afore someone’s gonna haul em off to court, or worse to jail, maybe losing their job, can’t support the family. Sad to say.”
“Now, now, Suny, don’t you go fretting ‘n worrying that a way. It don’t do a lick of good anyway. Best to ask, search, discover, trying to figure out what’s underneath that ain’t as clear as a bright sun shiny day. Like Bucky asked self and others, “What do we mean by universe?” Only later on after 1969 when he published Utopia or Oblivion he spells Universe with uppercase U, not lowercase like in that book where the Strategic Questions listed is as clear as can be, all forty questions.”
Forty Question Granny M, Not Twenty Questions.”
“That’s right, Suny ‘n it ain’t like the $64,000 question, neither nuthin like that.” It’s a step saver as far as I can tell, saving folks steps having all them Strategic Question laid out, gives us a fresh start, not tellin folks what to think, how to say something for political correctness and all that fuss ‘n bother, putting folks into a fear-engendering modus operandi, scared half to death to say the wrong thing ‘afore someone sues the pants right off of ‘em. What’s the world coming to? I’d like to know? ?
“Look, look, Granny M. Bucky gave us them 14 Dominant Concepts he must have been working out, too.! Could be lots of what we know from Synergetics is way ahead, not before reading Utopia or Oblivion but on the right track, Right, Granny M?”
“There you go again Suny, sharp as a tack. Yes sirree, way ahead of your time. That’s for sure.”
It ain’t all that hard learning Universe is the aggregate of all humanity’s experiences. Only Bucky clearly says the aggregate of it when communicating goes from self to others, and others to self gotta be consciously apprehended.”
“Wowy Dowy, Granny M! We already know there’s a lag rate between apprehension and comprehension where the six degrees of freedom come into metaphysical generalized field. Ain’t that so?”
“How in Universe is Imagination’s ability to formulate conceptually gonna do so without metaphysical generalized field ‘n thinking of the tetrahedron? It’s got a lot to do with degrees of freedom, keeping us out of them PRJ dragnets, hauling folks away when they got no idea, knowing not one iota there are six degrees of freedom or none. No doubt ‘bout it!”
“Ain’t no doubt ‘bout six degrees of freedom with the tetrahedron in mind, right Granny M?
“That’s right as rain falling from the clouds in the sky, Suny, wondering what we mean by Universe, starts out differently from treading so lightly so’s we can’t meet up with them head Honcho ‘s of Justice. Why they think Justice is of Heaven. Hey people! Where Hell’s of? I’d like to know, it’s gotta be paid. My stars, Suny, What is Justice, ain’t a Strategic Question, so it’s gotta be on another list. Cause if’n that old biblical text got it wrong and truth is of the earth and justice is of heaven that’ll get folks no nearer to the cosmically total truth but it’ll take up where Justice is always heading somewhere in the misleading vicinity where vituperative talking gets meaner ‘n meaner, more vile the deeper into them prison dungeons from all I can tell. You see movies picturing them dark prison cells from way back then and cement rooms in state of the art prisons, living in a room of cement blocks. From the first movies, from stories in books, from documentaries informing folks about the system, but not about what Universe is let alone ‘bout generalizing concepts. That’s for gol darn sure.”
“Could be Christina Universe Citizen’s USEGGC and USTIEG is getting closer ‘n closer to a smarter parameter than that old PRJWBSC, Granny M.”
“Could be folks don’t got no idea of the metaphysical subdivision of Universe but a whole lot ‘bout what they is programmed to believe starting with false premises. It don’t take us into the syntropic questions and syntropic answers, Suny. Just knowing syntropic is a replacement for the double negative antientropic is better than not knowing it. You ain’t hearing nuthin ‘bout it anyway. Might as well be talking to a blank wall, leaving others out of the know how and kno what of science and all.”
“All folks gotta do, Granny M is go online to Synergetics. But, but, but could be Bucky’s Utopia or Oblivion where them 40 Strategic Questions is and them 14 Dominant Concepts is listed is best of all, for resetting the world stage research projects, for all them World Game players. It looks that a way to me, Granny M.:
“It looks that a way to me too, Suny.”
“ Folks ain’t talking ‘bout metaphysical Universe, Granny M.”
“Cause its imponderable Suny. They don’t know imponderable is weightless, like metaphysical is weightless. They don’t think if its imponderable it’s weightless since ponderable is weighable. Physical is weighable, ponderable. Metaphysical is weightless, imponderable, don’t you know?”
“Metaphysical ain’t magic neither, right Granny M?”
“You got that right, Suny.”
“It ain’t mystical, neither. Could be folks don’t know metaphysical so they don’t know conceptual.. It looks to me.”
“Saying what it ain’t don’t make it what it is. That’s for gol darn sure. Metaphysical ain’t physical, like gravity ain’t radiation.”
“Bucky writes that physicists intellectually ruled the imponderable is metaphysical. So folks gotta know both metaphysical and physical. Ain’t that so, Granny M?”
“That is so, Suny, like knowing expansion and contraction, radiation and gravity, weightless and weighable, like synergy and energy, like macrocosm and microcosm, the cosmically total truth.”
“Cosmic thinking, Granny M, degrees of freedom, controlling them angles and frequencies, folks ain’t talking ‘bout neither. Could be cause its too weird saying it that a way, not knowing metaphysical environment and physical environment, conceptual and reality.”
“You don’t gotta modify angles and frequencies but you sure as heck gotta know they is the only two possible covariables operative in all Universe design for clarifying generalized principles. If folks don’t know, then kids don’t know and everyone goes around doing this, that, ‘n whatever like there ain’t no conceptual angles, no geometry of thinking neither. Making it almost impossible to be in the metaphysical generalized conceptioning fields of thought for a meeting of the weightless mind, simplifying and consolidating what they ain’t unifying without it ‘till we do, generalizing them concepts, Suny.”
“I for one am glad to see them 14 Dominant Concepts and them 40 Strategic Questions in Bucky’s Utopia or Oblivion Chapter 11, Design Strategy. What else gives folks everywhere on Earth a new start, Granny M?’
“Defining humanity is way different from restraining folks by politics and what have you, laws and codes for punishing humans, looks to me, Suny. They gotta fill prisons. Worst is what Justice ain’t. Justice ain’t of heaven, no way, no how, but folks got to pay for it make no doubt ‘bout it. It’s gotta be better to make no law, break no law against our whole humanity. Not forgetting to recognize the inherently inviolable integrity of the individual. Not forgetting reforming the environment, not the human, keeping in mind the metaphysical and the physical. How else we gonna eliminate the slave mentality from the Earth? I’d like to know.”
“Golly Granny M, I’m not forgetting them six degrees of freedom, no way, no how.”
“Twelve degrees of freedom, Suny. Six positive ‘n six negative = 12 degrees of fundamental degrees of freedom. Why, if’n them degrees of freedom is governing external ‘n internal motions, that’s gotta come before filing all them legal motions. Looks to me.”
“But Justice don’t generalize concepts, folks don’t generalize concepts, they keep going to the false premise so’s they can make a law like in the news today ‘bout students. See, Granny M in the Political Wire News Headline.”
“Lemmy see. What the hey? Students can’t be penalized if their work is scientifically wrong. Hello!? What in Universe is going on?”
“It says, as long as the reasoning is because of their religious beliefs, under Student Religious Liberties Act, in Ohio, Granny M.”
“It’s that old PRJWBSC usurpations getting into some troubling times, that’s for gol darn sure, Suny Them lawmakers don’t got no idea what’s coming down the pike from every religion belief system some with weirder than weird laws, working into the schools making it right and science wrong, knowing from nothing about the STIE where science paces technology, technology paces industry, and industry paces economics. Taking it further into economic pacing politics and politics pacing justice wondering if justice is the tale wagging the dog, then along comes this insanity that promotes contradictions penalizing some minor infractions when the biggest lies slide right into home base for a home run. Why, why, oh, never mind. It ain’t worth getting upset when the cosmic truth is at the edge of cognizance, Suny a lot closer to the eternal omniscient mind’s omnidirectional Universe than any old false premise and that old religion. We gotta keep going, Suny. That’s for sure”
“The minimum thinkable set, starting with Universe, not with a pack of lies, like a floc of sheep from false premises is way better, smarter, Granny, M, more humanity not promoting dummying down, down, down, down, misdirections. How many ways we gotta say it, when there’s only three directions: in, out, ‘n around, of omnidirectional experience, Granny M?
“Not forgetting polarized & omnidirectional are always and only coexisting complementarities, Suny. It’s a fresh start Suny, glad as all get out that the planet’s friendly genius wrote out a list of Strategic Question for anyone to ask self and otherness, not telling them what to think, and 14 Dominant Concepts for a mind to consider freedom by degree in the moment at this time and place, in Universe, Suny.”
Anticipate more skits from Granny M and Suny A Tetrahedral Podcast.
Thank you.