Conspiracies are afoot following Donald Trump's election victory. The super moon, is in the sky, VF has joined the "Trump Youth" and censored our previous episode to ensure his place in the new President's graces.
Nickel & VF start things out with an argument about the merit and existence of Episode 94.1, the Graphic Novice Post Election Podcast Spectacular. VF blames it on the super moon, Nickel blames it on Trump. Neil Cetrangolo of the Dark Angels & Pretty Freaks Podcast goes mysteriously missing during the clandestine recording of episode 94.1 as well, also possibly linked to the super moon... after Nickel lets VF drop the subject of 94.1, we spend some time talking about our favorite conspiracy theories.
The General Banter or "Bullshit" segment closes with a discussion of the Doctor Strange movie and a Nickel rant about Nintendo.
Comic News is essentially swept aside for the "Marvel Trivia Box" segment, where Nickel tries to end a 10 game losing streak.
In "Rapid-Fire Review" the fellows discuss books released on November 2 & November 9, 2016 including Batman 10, Dark Knight III Book 6 of 10, Avengers 1, Champions 2, Occupy Avengers 1, Captain America Steve Rogers 7, Clone Conspiracy 2 of 5, & Invincible Ironman 1.
We sneak in some serious talk about Jeff Lemire & Gordon Downie's "Secret Path" project, and the Residential School history in Canada.
Thanks a bunch for listening. #BringBackEpisode94Point1