Pastor Greg Laurie shares on how to stay focused on what God has called us to do, how to overcome distractions, and how to finish our race strong.
Focus verse - Nehemiah 6
There’s a new wind blowing in America today:
a wind of freedom, optimism, hope, and patriotism!
Things are changing in America.
And they’re changing for the better.
It’s time to rebuild when a nation strays from its godly and biblical roots.
Nehemiah never lost his focus.
Nehemiah remained incredibly focused on the goal.
Nehemiah had his eye on the ball.
Read Nehemiah 6:1–2
#1 If you give the devil an inch he will take a mile.
Be careful to keep the doors of your life shut to evil.
Guard your mind from the thoughts and influences that are not from God.
#2 The devil is persistent, so we must be resistant.
“Four times they sent the same message, and each time I gave the same reply.”
Nehemiah 6:4
The best way to resist temptation is to be engaged in fellowship with and service to God.
Nehemiah 6:3
#3 Take care of your character; God will take care of your reputation.
Read Nehemiah 6:5–7
The funny thing is they were accusing Nehemiah of the very thing they were guilty of.
“And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank
In your own eye?"
Matthew 7:3
Jesus is saying the reason some people are so adept at finding fault
in others is because they are so familiar with it themselves.
You cannot judge the motive of another person.
Sometimes the activity of someone shows us our lack of activity,
or their boldness and faith expose our laziness and fear.
#4 When we come under attack we need to pray.
Nehemiah 6:8
Nehemiah 6:9
#5 We need to finish the work God has called us to do.
The people have done their part, now God will do his.
Read Nehemiah 8:1
#1 People are hungry for God’s word.
Nehemiah 8:1
Ezra was a good and godly man.
Ezra 7:10
Revival started with Ezra, then it spread to the people.
#2 People spontaneously and passionately worship God.
Nehemiah 8:6
#3 People can’t get enough of God’s word.
Nehemiah 8:3
You might say, “I never hear God speak to me!”
Read the Bible and He will.
#4 You obey the word of God.
Nehemiah 8:8–9
Sometimes we have a false idea of how scripture and even the church should impact us.
We want to be blessed, not convicted. We want to be happy, never sad.
Jesus said, “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
# 5 The result of experiencing revival is joy!
Nehemiah 8:9–10
We can only rejoice when our sin is cleansed.
If you are living in sin and feeling good about it, repent before it’s too late.
#6 We love to be with God’s people.
Keeping the word of God makes you happy.
Be filled and filled again with the Holy Spirit.
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