Sammi Jaeger is a co-founder of Independent Executives, a company designed to the meet the needs of businesses running on EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) and having difficulty filling their integrator talent gap.
Finding the right person for the integrator seat in a business can be difficult. Mark C. Winters, the co-author of Rocket Fuel, describes the integrator as 'unique' and 'harmoniously integrates the major functions of the business, run the organisation, and manage the day-to day issues that arise. The integrator is the glue that holds the people, processes, systems, priorities, and strategy of the company together.'
Sammi has been an integrator in a number of EOS run businesses and has brought her knowledge and skill to assist in the establishment of Independent Executives. In this episodes she explains what the gap she was seeing was, what pain businesses might be feeling and how this can be solved.