In this episode, we follow up our previous series, “Our Daughters Don’t Approve,” with the Grit and Glam girls inviting Dorothy’s son Matthew and special guests Misty Phillip, author and host of the By His Grace Podcast, along with her son Ian on to talk about all the grit and glam involved in a Mother/son relationship. Of course, our daughters disapprove, but what about the sons?
Like the daughter’s episode, nothing is off the table. Misty and Dorothy are utterly transparent as their Sons answer the same hard questions about their Mothers as were asked in our previous episodes. Misty shares her struggle with having a son leave the nest, and Dorothy shares the complexity of parenting as a teen mom.
The mother-son duos talk about everything boys, from Dungeons and Dragons to sometimes feeling overlooked in your family. This episode is for mothers raising boys of any age. It offers advice on supporting and building a healthy friendship and dealing with the struggles/disagreements that mothers and sons can often face. If you want to take a peek inside the heart and mind of a son, you don’t want to miss this episode.
Main Quotes- “Mother Don’t Smother.” - Misty Phillip
“It is imperative and extremely important that you realize that they will always seek a male figure as a role model.” - Matthew Strouhal
About our Guest Misty-
Misty Phillip is a Christian Lifestyle Blogger, Author, Founder of Spark Media- (Spark Christian Podcast Conference & Rocket Podcast Community), and host of the By His Grace Podcast.
You can find out more on Misty Phillip by following her on social media and linking to her websites below!
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