An excellent police procedural series featuring handsome Inspector Roger West of Scotland Yard, who gets promoted from Inspector to Superintendent later in the series. The series follows progression in West’s own life and shows him as a devoted family man with a wife and two sons (named after the author’s real sons) along with the intriguing plots. Featuring Battle for Inspector West, Inspector West at Bay and Inspector West at Home.
GSMC Classics presents some of the greatest classic radio broadcasts, classic novels, dramas, comedies, mysteries, and theatrical presentations from a bygone era. The GSMC Classics collection is the embodiment of the best of the golden age of radio. Let Golden State Media Concepts take you on a ride through the classic age of radio, with this compiled collection of episodes from a wide variety of old programs. ***PLEASE NOTE*** GSMC Podcast Network presents these shows as historical content and have brought them to you unedited. Remember that times have changed and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Golden State Media Concepts or the GSMC Podcast Network. Our goal is to entertain, educate, and give you a glimpse into the past.