To All the Men I've Tolerated Before is officially on its summer break! You'll be seeing posted on our feed bonus content like guest spots I've had on other shows, Still Comfy? episodes, and more! This week I am featuring a guest spot that I did with Julia Washington on her podcast Pop Culture Makes Me Jealous. PCMMJ is the podcast that delves into pop culture through the lens of race, gender, or sometimes both. During this episode Julia and I discuss whether or not this scary, sexy movie was really ever meant for children. And of course I go hard on the misogyny represented within the character arc for Esmerelda and how she's viewed by her male counterparts. What was Disney's goal with this movie?
During our summer break, there will be new content released exclusively on Patreon! Make sure you've claimed your free trial on any of our tiers so you can be up to date on our Team Tolerator Check-Ins and Misogyny Meltdown episodes.
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Find PCMMJ and Julia
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