This week we find the Enterprise missing two crew members. Captain Picard and acting Ensign Crusher make there way to Starbase 515, Wesley for his Starfleet Academy Entrance Exam and Captain Picard for a medical procedure that Dr Pulaski ensures him he's put off for too long. Wesley, not looking forward to spending several long hours alone with the Captain, is nervous and awkward while Captain Picard (who simply wants to read his book) is equally awkward and somewhat irritated. Meanwhile, back on the ship, the crew responds to a distress call from a ship crewed by the Pakleds, a not particularly intelligent race of beings. The Pakleds are in over there heads with their vessel which contains technology from various species none of which the Pakleds know how to operate. The Enterprises crew's efforts to help lead in a kidnapping and mind games which leave them all shaken and Captain Picard on the verge of death. Will Wesley and Picard make it to the Starbase without