“Small changes do make a big difference.” - Kelly Donahue Kelly Donahue, PhD is a clinical health psychologist, mind-body coach, mom, entrepreneur, and recovering Type A perfectionist. She has spent more than a decade immersed in mind-body health research, teaching, writing, and individual and group work with clients. Kelly is passionate about empowering clients to practice essential self-care strategies that reduce overwhelm and stress which helps to heal depression and anxiety. Her training in behavioral medicine, clinical psychology, holistic nutrition, coaching, and mind-body medicine helps her clients create real, lasting change. Show Notes · Working mom, Kelly talks about the diverse list of both professional and personal roles that fill her plate to the brim. [02.20] · Handling everything with systems, a prioritized list of to-do’s, a paper calendar, and being clear on your values. TOP TIP: Ask for help when you need it! [04.27] · Adding a realistic number of priorities to your calendar, and the importance of scheduling downtime. [06.47] · When the first signs of stress and overwhelm are irritability, anxiety, and the use of distractions, and how to combat it by slowing down, and questioning your thoughts. [07.49] · Being clear on your WHY, and turning a demand for your services into an online course, converting pressure into opportunity. [10.10] · Individual work vs. Group work [12.29] · The role that technology plays in building community and connecting people. [13.49] · Nature, activity and water for stress relief. [14.38] · Definitions of self-care, and the value of practicing it BEFORE you get stressed. [16.30] · Dad guilt, your busy life, and how you can start a self-care practice, plus a note on the art of habit stacking. [19.09] · Self-talk and how you can create an awareness of your thoughts by slowing down and being mindful. [23.46] · Takeaways from Kelly’s book, Everyday Self-Care: Your Proven, Holistic Guide to Feeling Better. [28.13] · Turning insight into action, and how you can tell whether you’ve successfully changed a habit. [29.08] · The value of therapy. [32.30] · Kelly’s quick answers to the questions of what it means to feel successful, an accomplishment of which she is most proud, what she’s most looking forward to this year, and what’s going to keep her up at night after this interview. [34.22]