Welcome one and all to the first episode of the Hang Tight Podcast. A podcast made to talk and discuss about those up and coming/younger less talked about Band's/Live show's/Venues and everything else from around the UK.
This is a podcast made exclusively to talk about the bands your less likely to hear about in Kerrang /Metal Hammer/Rock sound.
Talk about those local show's and goings on, and try to give the attention and spotlight on the amazing music scene in the uk.
This first episode is brought to you alone with Hang Tight owner and former solo vocalist Kris Fogg.
Kris gives a little introduction and explains why he's starting this podcast. From there he goes into why/how Hang tight became a thing and he talks in depth about how Hang Tight Festival was born, The hard work that went into it and then a FULL LENGTH in depth review talking about all the bands that played through the weekend.
Please head over to www.facebook.com/Hangtightpromotions to support, keep up to date on future episodes of the podcast and all the news about any and all future shows.