We talk about work, work, work, work.
Andrea is a boss, I (Ian) am an employee so you can see, we're going to but heads on this.
So what do we talk about? Well, we talk about being on time (a personal struggle of mine), we get a little philosophical about the nature or work, and spend way too much time on the definition of work.
Did we go on tangents? You bet we did! It's not a Happy or Right podcast without tangents. (find the part where I give some behind the scene info about Jurassic Park 2. It's random, I know.)
Also, I want to give a shout out to "water." (why? Listen and find out)
Have questions? Want to give us a piece of your mind?
Email us at [email protected]
Special thanks to "Hyper Potions" who let us use their songs "Time Trials" for our intro/outro and "Jungle Cruise" for that one part (lol).