This is a private conference call I made with Richard and some of the new HMA Consultants. In it, we go over ways to jump-start your business. We also talk with Dave Flannery and look at what is appearing to be one of the most exciting business plans for HMA Consulting.
Here are some of the topics we'll be discussing
Ways to run group presentations that can leverage your time - Here's an idea to consider. Instead of one-on-one consulting, run a group training course --it can save you time and make you money.
A sure-fire plan of action for when your client needs results fast
How the Opportunity Analysis sets you apart from other Consultants - Learn how to put one together and you'll be putting yourself in another league.
When to use telemarketers -- and the best way to qualify clients
When and how to develop more than one USP - and how to price it
Also, Richard goes over how you can benefit from his new Internet Marketing course - the same one Dell Computers and IBM will be using.
And, I'll be talking a little more about the upcoming Graduation Certificate. Before long, you'll be able to become certified in HMA Consulting. So, think about getting your diploma soon
Richard goes on to discuss one of the biggest mistakes new consultants make --shortcutting your analysis and not being flexible. You may want to make sure you're not falling into that trap
And, we'll also talk with Dave Flannery out of Ireland. He's really showing us a fresh way to work the system. In this call, we break down his strategic business plan and find out how he used Christmas and New Year's parties to land clients, how he's bartered for advertising and how he's set himself up as a local expert in the field. Richard says that Dave's fees are only going to be going up.
This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff at