What is the connection between CRPS and Cortisol, and a lot of the odd ball symptoms we endure with CRPS?
Now, anyone living with CRPS or chronic pain knows the pain creates stress… which leads to anxiety, for some – depression, and for most it leads to insomnia too.
Stress and pain are interweaved at multiple levels. This impact - in turn - manifests in other ways in the body.
One of the big things I talk to CRPS and chronic pain patients about in the office is the connection between the central nervous system (brain and spine) and the autonomic nervous system and how CRPS/chronic pain is propelled by both.
The brain is the best super-computer on the planet that is tasked with running our entire body.
A specific area of the brain – the limbic system – is tied to CRPS.
While your autonomic nervous system is a division of the nervous system that operates internal organs, smooth muscle and glands.
Think of it this way – the autonomic nervous system automatically runs everything in our body that we don’t have to think about. It’s that simple.
The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously – meaning we don’t have to think about it… and it regulates bodily functions, such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, etc.…
Again, the things we don’t think about – that automatically happen in the body… that’s your autonomic nervous system.
This system is also the primary mechanism in control of the fight-or-flight response. And ‘fight or flight’ is a term we also hear about or read about CRPS. Lastly - fight or flight in turn drives cortisol.
So, hopefully you can start mapping this out and start seeing the connections.
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