How much of a problem is fake news for Western democracy? Can people learn to think critically to promote open debate? Can the left respond to Jordan Peterson's critiques of critical theory and critical race theory? And are there liberal thinkers who actually support free speech?
In this amazing conversation, Zack speaks to Mickey and Nolan about their new book, "Let's Agree to Disagree: A Critical Thinking Guide to Communication, Conflict Management and Critical Media Literacy."
Prof. Mickey Huff is professor of social science, history, and journalism at Diablo Valley Community College, California and the director of Project Censored, an organisation which promotes the role of the free press and analyses "junk food" news. Dr Nolan Higdon is an author and university lecturer of history and media studies at the University of California. He is also the founding member of the Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas.
// Watch on YouTube:
// Nolan and Mickey's Links
📖 Let's agree to disagree -
🐤 Twitter: @Nolan_Higdon / @Mythinfo
🍵 Project Censored:
I'm Zack Hassan, a junior doctor living in Edinburgh, Scotland who studied at Cambridge University. I'm passionate about teaching others the critical thinking and speaking skills to articulate their ideas as powerfully as possible. Healthy Discussions is about applying those skills to problems in wider society through open discussion and rational debate.
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// Credits Music - Overriding Concern by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:
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