If you’ve been following my last two videos, I’ve been talking about a big project I’m working on.
All I’ll say here is that the new project has a lot to do with learning songs.
You’ll also see a lot of this chart…
Yup! I know it’s intimidating but it’s a reality! All these little pieces exist when learning a new song.
Like I said in my last video, some people understand these inner workings more than others. Some “get it” naturally, although they probably don’t realize all the things their mind is working on to make learning a song in 5 minutes a reality! But here it is… right in front of you — everything I could possibly think of to learn a song (at least the way “ear musicians” do it.)
But the good news is, I help you navigate through it so that it doesn’t seem like that much to do. There are tons of shortcuts and if you’ve been following the blog, you know that I love to reveal them to ya! In everything that I do, I’ve always tried to find ways around the “system.” In student government and mock trial back in the days, I was the same way! Still am.
I hate the way professors and theorists make music so complicated. Do that for biology and chemistry! Music is expressive… it’s creative… it’s supposed to be fun! So stick with me, give this resource a try (when it’s ready), and you won’t be disappointed :-).
Today, I want to talk about one section of the chart I posted above.
It’s the R.T.I. section… or “Rapid Tonic Identification.”
(Now, don’t go “googling” this term because you’re not going to find much. This is my own original language to describe my own original techniques).
More specifically, I want to talk about “determining the key” by sharing this 2-hour teleclass I conducted a whopping 3 years ago!
You’ll hear me interacting LIVE with a group of students from all over the world. This was a very exclusive group that I conducted 7 teleseminars for back in 2005. This 2-hour lesson you’re about to see was the 5th class in the series.
I did this one in audio and video so you can pick your choice! (Don’t forget to use the scrollbars to see the outline down below. It’ll be much easier if you follow along with it).
Your browser does not support inline frames. Visit https://www.hearandplay.com/teleclassbonus1-5.html to see this lesson.
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