It's not everyday you meet your overlord. But who better to meet him with than with your local reporter and baker. Sit back, take a listen and enjoy the baked goods, this is The Baker, The Alien & The Reporter.
The Baker, The Alien, And The Reporter
Written By: Matthew Medney
Directed By: Matthew Medney
Hosted By: Kyle Perrin
Sound Design, Music, Mixing & Engineering: Kyle Perrin
Performances By: Tommy Coriale, Steven Haughey, Brian Sundin
Executive Producers: Matthew Medney, David Erwin, Tommy Coriale, Patrick Smith
Theme Music for This Episode Brought to you by Beyond Kuiper: The Galactic Star Alliance. Opening Song: Ageless Anger, from The Audio Original. Grab your copy or download the Audio Book here:
WonderWerk is a Heavy Metal Entertainment & DIGA Studios Production.
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