Today Tracy Watt talks to Maureen Scott about her journey as a midwife.
They talk about the challenges she faced as a new midwife and her journey with Held In Our Hearts
She talks about her own family and in growing up it was never a career that she had thought about. Maureen talks about events that nearly stopped her becoming a midwife after being brutally attacked on her way to work and how friends and family helped her to face the traumatic weeks and months ahead. She explains how that she was not going to let him win and that she went on to become the person she is today, making sure that families get the best care.
Maureen and Tracy chat about the challenges that midwives face now. They discuss how important the training given by Held In Our Hearts has become and also how support for newly trained staff is so crucial, even more so since the pandemic, when resources have been so stretched.
They chat about their own personal journey and how on a spring evening on 26th April 1991, Maureen looked after Tracy who went through the unimaginable pain of watching her son Lewis pass away after 19 hours. Maureen was there to support Tracy, showing her how to be a mother, when the reality facing her was the Lewis was not going home. They talk about how they reconnected after many years, ran together and even made it to the newspapers.
We hope this episode helps current, future midwives and families listening, in knowing that each journey is unique and how times have changed but ultimately it is about delivering the best of care at the worst of times .