Podcast 76 We are lucky to have two highly trained professionals that are very familiar with parkinson's.
Megan Kane-Mangol is a certified Speech-Language Pathologist with over 20 years of experience serving the Carlisle community. She specializes in speech and voice disorders related to neurogenic conditions. Megan is a graduate of Dickinson College and holds a Masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Maryland.
Kristin Zwemer
Kristin Zwemer is a certified Physical Therapist with over 20 years of experience in the Capitol area region. She was a founding faculty member of Lebanon Valley College’s Physical Therapy program. Kris specializes in neuromuscular retraining, pain control and soft tissue techniques used for the treatment of neurological injuries, impairments and illnesses. She holds a Masters degree in Physical Therapy from Aracadia University.