It’s all in the title, baby. Watch the most thematic movie of all time along with Nick and Keegs, and prepare yourself for laughs, scares, sharks, cages, and most of all… themes. Feel free to participate in our drinking game- found on our instagram @heresapodcastareyouhappynow or below:
Drink when you hear a rule being made.
Drink every time there’s a breakup.
Drink every time you get mad at any character for not wearing a mask.
Drink if you agree with Keegan that most breakups happen over vacation.
Take a shot if you don’t.
Drink anytime someone mentions Stuart.
Drink anytime we misremembered something.
Drink every time Mandy Moore has a chance to turn back.
Drink any time someone references Mandy Moore being boring.
Any time you see something that looks too rusty to function correctly in an operation as complicated and high-stakes as shark-cage diving, drink.
Any time there’s a dorsal fin above the water.
Drink any time someone mentions ‘the bends’.
Any time someone gets eaten, finish your drink.
Drink anytime a shark doesn’t attack from below.
Finish your drink and scream “47 meters down” any time you see the number 47- if you don’t scream, finish another drink.
Do you see a theme? Drink? Drink.
If anyone in the room asks you what the theme of something is and you can’t think of one, finish your drink.
Any time you get mad at the Executive Producer(s), drink.
Any time you get confused to how Keegan got a little drunk off three drunks, drink.