Fernando DV is a talented musician and wonderfully open and honest mind. In this episode, we explore how psychedelics have played a vital role in shaping who we have become as men in the world today. With stories of our journeys and exploration into what it means to safely explore these substances, this episode is quite the fun and thought provoking treat.
You can find his music from his former band Apotheon at
and follow his new project Exuvial at
Also keep an eye out for his Podcast 'Head Over Feels' that explores relationship concepts and different ways to explore connection.
Hey Earthling is a podcast that uses open communication to explore the plethora of elements that make up our existence as humans. Through interviews with guests that come from a varied background of interests and expertise, host Jordan Ament seeks to inspire others to live a more creative and compassionate life and help to bring about a happier and healthier way of connecting with ourselves and others. Go a little further, dig a little deeper and live your own life out loud!
Support the Podcast! paypal.me/heyearthling
Xero Shoes- 10% of all purchases made through this link goes directly towards supporting the podcast
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