Hi friends! This week it's just you and me. You're probably tired of hearing me say it, but once again thank you for listening! As I try to handle life, school, work, and the podcast you just keep coming back to listen and it means the world to me. So thank you, i love you. If times were different and we didn't run the risk of contracting a deadly disease I would 100% kiss all of you for listening. Oh well, theres always next year.
So in this weeks episode you are going to get a little taste of a lot of different things. I share with you a "toxic" trait that i have. We also do some googling, ok I do some googling and I tell you what I find. These solo episodes that you get with me wont always make the most sense, they'll be just an audio track of whatever is in my mind that day. As I finesses my stream of consciousness I am sure (hopeful) they'll improve but for now I am just grateful you're here and enjoy the ride.
Lovesick on Netflix. Watch it if you like hopeless romantic male leads, shows that follow friends in their 20-30's who live togther, and miscommunications complicating love.
Pride month. I love that this whole month the people who I know and love who are LGBTQ+ get to celebrate themselves and their love stories.
Village Ice Cream, unfortunately this little ice cream shop of perfection is only located in Calgary. If you're in or around the cowtown area you must go and you must get guides mint. Its perfection.