The awakening journey is not linear, it is spiral. You may have heard that before, I had, but I didn’t really get it until I found perspective in my own experience (which is why this journey is more experiential, not to be gained by reading about it, but living it). In this episode I discuss the cyclical nature of my awakening.
The beginning of my journey was born out of prolonged suffering and the end of this spiral feels very familiar, however, the tools I’ve learned and the connection to the Higher Self has helped me to see why this is happening and what it is meant to teach me.
It doesn't matter how your awakening started, the purpose is for you to detach from who you are not to awaken to your true self.
If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, I hope this helps. My experience has taught me that I am not the ego. The ego is the identification with form; i.e. my trauma, my wounds, my victimhood, my childhood story, the beliefs I was programmed with, the behaviors and actions I was trained I should take. I am a spark of source energy, eternal and limitless. With God all things are possible and that I am the universe experiencing itself through Stephanie. The awakening is waking up to who you truly are by way of letting go of all you are not.
The awakening is painful and confusing and very dark at times and if you are experiencing feelings of stuckness or repeating patterns that you thought you dealt with and need help, I am here to assist the collective. Please visit my website for mentorship opportunities.
If you would like a copy of the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self Realization book click
My first experience with the Higher Self was through Beyond Quantum Healing. When I became certified I had a practice session where I first embodied my Higher Self. This was a life changing experience for me and the Higher Self is calling me to begin offering BQH sessions again. If you are interested in BQH you can find more information and book at **************************************************************************************************
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