This month Allegra and Mariano are joined by friends of the show who studied Hulu and Hawaiian culture, Pi'ilani. We discuss how King Kalakaua influenced Hawaiian culture as we know it today and his role in introducing that culture to American culture.
To reach out to us, you can email us at [email protected] or follow Allegra on Twitter | Mariano on Twitter.
Intro/Outro – “What A Wonderful World” by Sam Cooke
Reclaiming Kalakaua: Nineteenth-Century Perspectives on a Hawaiian Sovereign by Tiffany Lani Ing
Hula by Amy Ku'uleialoha Stillman
Background of Hula by Kaupena Wong, HPE Department, University of Hawaii
* Reciprocity Treaty 1875
* Jul 6, 1887 CE: Bayonet Constitution
* 1887: 'Bayonet Constitution' takes Native Hawaiians' rights
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