Doctors say resentment, which is just another word for anger, eats at your stomach lining, attacks your immune system, and can cause you to have heart problems, cancers, and other physical, social, and emotional disorders. And that's not all! It preoccupies your mind, drains your energy, and cripples your creativity. Did you hear what I just said? Oh wait…there are some other things that resentment, which again is just another word for anger, can cause too.
I’m Mark Heidt. Welcome to Hit the Mark Today. Positively impacting people every day by sharing the message of hope is my goal and I thank you in advance for joining me on this journey. I believe that growth and improvement cannot happen without hope. Remember hope provides energy, and brings relief based on the belief that things will improve, even in the depths of crisis when there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. Your comments are always welcome, and I appreciate you sharing your wisdom and hope messages with our group on ways you Hit the Mark today. Do you aim for life’s bullseye? Do you look at the failure to hit the bulls eye being the fault of the target your aiming for? When you miss that life target, do you look for fault within or blame someone or something else? To improve your life’s aim, improve yourself. I hope that you will join me as I share information that I’ve learned to help you “Hit the Mark Today.” Not any random target but your life’s bulls eye. Aim for that long-term excellence. Ready…Aim…Fire! #hitthemarktoday #gosee #hope