Change is hard, it can be scary, it can make you angry, resentful, and even feel grief, but ultimately change is good!
Change for the better, while still hard, is good. Change associated through negative things such as loss can be the catalyst for wondrous new beginnings. In 2020 we see change regularly; with COVID-19, we've changed how we do business, how we interact and socialize, how we are entertained, even how we go to the grocery store. We see social-change with #BlackLivesMatter as so many people have taken to changing from silence to using their voice to speak against senseless and violent discrimination taking the lives of black Americans. We are seeing a change with the recent decision from #SCOTUS protecting the civil rights of LGBTQIA+ workers.
We've seen tumultuous, heart-wrenching, and heart-warming, rallies, marches, & protests that make up the most massive civil rights movement in our country and world history. It has helped so many people take a more in-depth look at how they can better serve the BIPOC members of our community so they can live without racist acts of hate and violence. This movement is changing how we think, how we speak, how we advocate or start to, and how we protect those being unjustly and unfairly treated.
As pride parades take place all over the country this summer on the heels of the Supreme Court decision, we are shown yet again that love is love. And it's time to change workplace discrimination against a person based on lifestyle, sexual orientation, and gender identification, fibers of people's identity, and personal make-up. The continued movement to celebrate love in all forms is changing how we talk about and protect the beauty of marriage, sexuality, gender, and love.
The change that 2020 has brought about thus far has hardly been sunshine and lollipops, and it's been hard. It's been met with anger, hate, rage, violence. It's brought about a more profound division between those who want peace and love in life and those who wish to continue on a path of hate and violence. I think we can find joy in seeing so many people looking at this as a welcome opportunity for change. We can find peace in knowing that just because the way things were seemed "easy" and that by default change then seems hard, we are growing, gaining education and perspective, and we are CHANGING. Our world, our country, our communities, our families, and ourselves, WE are changing, and change is powerful.
If you hate change, take a second to find the remarkable changes you've experienced, looking at change with gratitude can help make it a little less of a tough pill to swallow.
Take a breath and Hold On, YOU got this...and yes, Chance is F!#&ing Hard!
#Change #TimesTheyAreAChanging #NewThingsToCome #InWithTheNew #OutWithTheOld #HoldOnWeGotThis #StrongerTogether #LoveIsLove #Pride #GayPride #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #DoBetter #LGTBQIA #BIPOC #Marriage #Partners #Friends #BestFriends #GoodThingsAreYetToCome