If you'd like to commission a song, (especially a 'high ticket' one like Hold The Hope) please reach out at [email protected] or FivForZeero-746-ZeeroThreeeNine8
Leaving a review on Apple Music or Spotify is super helpful.
Because I'm transitioning my catalog of music to the streaming services, I highly recommend that you click the link below and then click 'follow' to follow my music (not just my podcast) on Spotify
If you use a different streaming service app, you can open that app and search for 'Lightning Lucas' (no 'e' in Lightning, Lucas with a 'c') and 'follow' me there.
Find the video version of the comedy episode at https://youtu.be/ujBEtc6iZDE
The new albums are available on all the streaming services, just search 'Lightning Lucas Happy Early Birthday Jesus' for the lighthearted album, or 'Lightning Lucas Nothing Is Lacking' for the more serious album. (Or 'Lightning Lucas Before I Find Her' for the love song album.)
'Skyfinding' is not on the streaming services, but it is available on Bandcamp... here: https://lightninglucas.bandcamp.com/album/skyfinding
Toward the end of a recent episode I mention the acronym (which I made up, but have yet to popularize) MAGIC... artists make MAGIC by
A couple of notes from this episode. 1) The old song is called 'Consider the Lilies' not 'Lilies and Sparrows'... but you get the gist. 2) 'Consider the Lilies' says nothing about the hill which I mentioned in the episode... however, the man I greeted in the song lives on the hill, and the neighborhood I reference in the song is the hill neighborhood. 3) I want to be clear that I also believe that I have ostentatious wealth... so I try not to be judgmental, but the lyric from the chorus probably is literal. And of course... I'd love to have the financial backing of people on the hill... they're good people... life is complex.
Have a wonderful listening week!
Do all the things by visiting HoldThatNote.Net or LightningLucas.com