Synopsis This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the dark and unsettling history of residential schools in Canada.
When the school is on the reserve the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits and training and mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read or write. – Sir John A Macdonald, speech to Commons, 1883
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Duration: 41:32:00
Present: Aaron Stewart, Rich Plumb
\n\nEpisode Links\n
\n- Why our kids need to learn about residential schools
\n- A history of residential schools in Canada
\n- The Residential School System
\n- Residential schools in Canada
\n- Mi’kmaq Confederacy chiefs say historical statues should reflect bad with the good
\n- Indian Residential Schools
\n- Where are the children?
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Download: The History of Residential Schools in Canada
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Synopsis This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the dark and unsettling history of residential schools in Canada.
When the school is on the reserve the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits and training and mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read or write. – Sir John A Macdonald, speech to Commons, 1883
Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial.
Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation.
Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we’re trying to raise enough money to help cover our studio build costs.
If you prefer video, you can subscribe and watch on YouTube.
Duration: 41:32:00
Present: Aaron Stewart, Rich Plumb
\n\nEpisode Links\n
\n- Why our kids need to learn about residential schools
\n- A history of residential schools in Canada
\n- The Residential School System
\n- Residential schools in Canada
\n- Mi’kmaq Confederacy chiefs say historical statues should reflect bad with the good
\n- Indian Residential Schools
\n- Where are the children?
\nFollow your hosts, guests, and the show on Twitter\n
\n- @LMSPodcast on Twitter
\n- Learn Me Something on Facebook
\n- @HologramRadio for updates on other interesting podcasts
\nSubscribe to Learn Me Something!\n
\n- Get Learn Me Something on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, RadioPublic, or via RSS.
Download: The History of Residential Schools in Canada