When you own a business, you need to expect the best and plan for the worst. What would happen if you could not work for 1 month, 2 months, 3 months - due to a health issue, life event, or something completely unexpected like a pandemic. Learn from June Carter, Business Coach, Home Staging Specialist, Course developer and trainer; and Barbara Heil-Sonneck, Owner of a large home staging company based out of Georgia, successful entrepreneur, investor, and published author. Jennie Norris, IAHSP Chairwoman, business owner, author and trainer moderates this important discussion.
When we experienced a global shut down - many business owners were left without the ability to work, or restricted ability. How long could you last without income? One of the basic premises of risk management and preparation is to have a certain # of months set aside in the event of a situation where you cannot earn income. If your business depends on YOU in order to run, this is limiting. Learning how to build a team and putting trusted people in place is key. This podcast session covers all this and more!