On November 10th, we came across an op ed in the Wall Street Journal titled “What Homeschoolars Are Doing Right”, which you can imagine immediately got our attention.
What? We’re doing something right? Can’t be. Gotta read this article.
In the article, the authors Brendan Case and Ying Chen, both social scientists at Harvard, discuss the results of an 11 year study which followed 12,000 children in public and private schools as well as homeschooled kids and measured their long term outcomes in terms of education attainment, mental health and social integration.
Case and Chen conclude from the study that homeschoolers have a significant advantage vis-a-vis schooled kids in terms of health, happiness and virtue, to the extent those things can be accurately measured by social scientists. They looked at things like:
• Rates of volunteering
• Likelihood of attending religious services
• Likelihood to articulate a sense of purpose in life
• Levels of being “forgiving”
• Amount of marijuana use, among other things.
There was only one area where homeschoolers seemed to lag behind schooled kids, and we’ll get to that in the podcast itself, so you have to listen.
Interestingly, the study found no significant differences between kids who go to public school, private school and religious schools. The only kids who stood out, in a positive sense, were kids who are homeschooled. Interesting.
To help us sort through this study, we’ve invited one of the article's authors to join us on the show today.
His name is Brendan Case and he’s the Associate Director of Research at Harvard’s Human Flourishing Program. Dr. Case got his PhD at Duke Divinity School. He’s the author of two books, the most recent of which is called “The Accountable Animal: Justice, Justification and Judgment.”
Here's a LINK to Dr. Case’s blog post on this subject.
Totally unexpectedly, Brendan will be joined by his wife Alysse. As fate would have it, Brendan and Alysse homeschool their 4 children ages 7, 5, 3 and 1 and hopefully, we’ll get around to talking with them about how it’s going.