In 2009, 8-month-old Gabriel Johnson mysteriously vanished after his mother, Elizabeth Johnson, fled with him, despite his father, Logan McQueary, having court-ordered custody. What followed was a chilling and heartbreaking series of events that still remains unsolved to this day.Elizabeth first shocked Logan by sending a text message saying that she had killed their baby. But in a stunning twist, she later claimed that Gabriel was alive and that she had given him away in an underground, illegal adoption. Logan has spent years desperately searching for his son, but Gabriel's whereabouts remain unknown.🔍 In this weeks investigation we’ll take a closer look at the facts surrounding Gabriel’s disappearance, explore the conflicting statements from Elizabeth, and discuss the ongoing search for the truth. What really happened to baby Gabriel? Join us as we unravel the details of one of the most baffling and tragic missing person cases in recent memory. 🕵🏼♀️🩷