Simply Convivial: Biblical Homemaking & Homeschooling—Without Stress or Burnout

How to be a great homemaker

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Take Humble Habits:

If you follow homemaking blogs and YouTube channels these days, it’s easy to get the impression that what you need to be a great homemaker is to make sourdough, slowly sweep your house in silence and natural light, and decorate your table with candles you made yourself and flowers you cut from your yard. That’s the picture of fulfilled, amazing homemaking. There’s nothing wrong with any of those things, of course, but none of them are required to be a great homemaker. One thing, however, is required.

Hi! I’m Mystie Winckler, author of Simplified Organization, Learn to Love What Must Be Done. In my book, I share how to be a confident, capable, cheerful homemaker - and I never once mention bread-baking, sewing, fermenting, or keeping chickens. The six skills I lay out have nothing to do with handicrafts and everything to do with your attitude and basic ability to handle real life. That’s what I want to talk about today, so grab a basket of laundry to fold and let’s dig in.

Mystie Winckler encourages moms to organize their attitudes and get traction at home so we are no longer overwhelmed or frustrated with homemaking. We are a community of Christian women striving to be competent, cheerful homemakers so we are fruitful, faithful, and hospitable. Subscribe for regular encouragement!

📖 Get my latest book - Simplified Organization: Learn to Love What Must Be Done

🏆 Enroll in Convivial Circle and get practical homemaking mentorship so you don't have to be overwhelmed anymore:

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Simply Convivial: Biblical Homemaking & Homeschooling—Without Stress or BurnoutBy Mystie Winckler

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