This episode is from my weekly Energy Art Readings on YouTube - watch via
💫 Your angels are watching over you.
💫 There will be a close encounter this month.
💫 Are you deficient in vitamins/minerals?
💫 Get ready to set off your rockets of desire.
As an intuitive artist I am able to connect
with energy and sense what is happening personally and collectively. I channel symbols, drawings, colours, shapes and words to bring through wisdom, guidance and healing. This is a very new way of sharing guidance, so if you love astrology, tarot, psychic or mediumship readings then you should love this too.
I also offer one to one Energy Art Readings, and for those interested in going much deeper, Soul Energy Portraits; a unique visual reflection of your inner essence that is awakening, transforming, healing and aligning and so much more than a customised art piece.
This is a general reading so please take what
💫 Website and artwork:
💫 Instagram:
💫 Soul Energy Portraits:
💫 My book How to be SuccesSoul: