Bible Study Podcast

How to Dress for Worship with Chris McCurley

12.06.2023 - By Wes McAdamsPlay

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How should Christians dress for worship? This episode tackles the controversial question of what we should wear to worship. It addresses common opinions and justifications used to say we must dress up, examining problems like adding traditions as requirements, showing favoritism to the well-dressed, and binding personal convictions on others. Issues like legalism, stewardship, and unity are explored as they relate to this topic.

The discussion centers around biblical principles of modesty, humility, love, and avoiding distractions in our corporate worship. Concepts about the Restoration plea to focus on Scripture alone are emphasized. Perspectives are given to thoughtfully consider cultural norms and changes over time, while staying anchored in spiritual truths not bound to any time or place.

This episode was originally published on Chris McCurley’s Dear Church Podcast. Chris graciously allowed us to share it with you. We hope you enjoy this conversation and that it helps all of us learn to love like Jesus.

Links and Resources:

* Watch this episode on YouTube

* Chris McCurley’s Dear Church Podcast

* Chris McCurley preaches for the Walnut Street Church of Christ

Transcript (Credit: Beth Tabor)

WES: Welcome to the Radically Christian Bible Study Podcast. I’m your host, Wes McAdams. Here we have one goal: Learn to love like Jesus. Today’s Bible study was actually first aired on Chris McCurley’s Dear Church podcast, and if you’re not already subscribed to that podcast, I would encourage you to check that out, but Chris and I discussed the subject of what we wear to worship. Does it matter what we wear to worship? How should we think about the clothes that we wear? How should we talk about that? How should we think about what other people are wearing to worship? That’s an interesting subject. It might be a controversial subject, certainly one on which many people have opinions, but we wanted to dive into what scripture actually says about this topic. 

I want to start today by reading 1 Timothy 2, starting in verse 8. “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; likewise also, that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self‑control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness, with good works.” 

As always, I hope that this Bible study and this conversation helps all of us to love like Jesus. 

CHRIS: Dear Church, let’s talk about what we wear to worship. Hello, and welcome to the Dear Church Podcast. I’m your host, Chris McCurley. My good friend, Wes McAdams, joining me today. 

Wes, this might as well just be kind of a host/co‑host kind of arrangement, because whether it’s your podcast or my podcast, I feel like this happens often, and, honestly, I’d be okay if it happened more often.

WES: I like it. I like it. Sounds like a plan to me.

CHRIS: Yeah. Thanks so much for coming in. Hey, you’re pretty happy ‑‑ your wife is even happier ‑‑ because of the Rangers winning. I mean, that was exciting.

WES: No doubt, no doubt.

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