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0:00 Introduction
0:41 Will you respond to any critiques of "the Upside Down Kingdom Study Bible?" Is it "woke?"
5:49 How do you explain the difference between sexual attraction and sinful sexual lust?
9:35 Is the Kingdom a meritocracy? The gate is grace, but what about rewards and placement--based on works?
20:23 Is there any topic you find uninteresting or would prefer not to discuss?
26:45 My young adult trans kid is mentally and emotionally healthier after transition. I feel guilty that I like them better, but they need Jesus. Thoughts?
30:21 What are some things happening on the political right that you've aligned with?
45:15 How do you choose which Christian charities to support?
47:13 Do you love Satan? We're supposed to love our enemies! (from a 7-year old)
48:33 What do you think of the statement, "Hell was made for Satan and his demons, not for people?"
49:35 How can we inherit a sin nature if God knit us together in the womb? Isn't he creating sin then?
50:39 Do you think there are gender distinctives that men must embrace, like growing beards?
53:47 The Greek word for submit in Eph 5:24--is it a "command" or is it a "suggestion?"
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