With the 2020 Cannes Lion Festival officially canceled this year due to a global pandemic, I figured now is the perfect time to sit down with Mr. Cannes himself, Mr. Per Pedersen. He was Grey Global's Chief Creative Chairman for many years and his main job was to go to all of Grey's offices around the world and teach them how to make Cannes Lion-worthy creative work. Not only did Per raise the agency's profile, but he helped the agency win hundreds, and hundreds, of Lions.
Lots of Grand Prixs, tons of golds, loads of silvers and bronzes, and even a Titanium to put a cherry on top of it all. So, in lieu of the Cannes festival, we've changed the format of this podcast to truly dive into the nuts of bolts of How To Kill A Cannes Lion.
Per discusses his favorite ideas of all time (and I've attached the case study videos below), and he also talks about 'Case Studies That Broke The Mold', how NOT to win any lions, and the key ingredients of how to take home the advertising and marketing industry's most coveted hardware.
Per's Favorite Case Study
Sweetie: https://vimeo.com/86895084Per's Favorite Cannes Ideas
Honda: The Sound of Senna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0CBqBxHapc
REI #OptOuside: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJHlQUEp7p0&t=4s
Halo 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eMljtmNOLMPer's favorite Cannes Lion ideas Collection: https://www.pinterest.com/perpedersen9461/boards/
Storefront Music NYC for help with tracks and some sound design: https://www.storefrontmusic.net/
Allan Peck for lending me his versatile voiceover magic. https://www.allanpeck.com/
If you would like to be on How To Kill A Lion, simply reach out: [email protected]