The 6-week formal exam required by grad school
Advisor/committee chooses a topic
Typically not something you have worked on
But good for you to know
You do a literature review on the topic
Deliverables: 15 – 20 page paper (at the end of 4 weeks) + Talk (at the end of 6 weeks)
Professors are busy
Ask to be on your committee >= 4 months in advance
Schedule your exam on a day and time that works well for you – this is your candidacy
Make sure oral exam is on committee members’ schedules
If very hard-to-get professor such as the Chair of the department, talk to the assistant for scheduling
Once you get the topic remember you are not alone
Not a lone journey
you will need help and so get ready to ASK FOR HELP
Ask clarification from the advisor/committee on the topic
What are their expectations?
Broadly, what outline should your paper follow?
Communicate profusely with your advisor/committee
They picked the topic, they want to see that you are interested in it
Ask away, they will tell you when they cannot tell you something
Get to the exam early
get familiar with the room, and whiteboards, and set up your talk
During the exam
Station yourself near a whiteboard
No hiding behind talk
Be very respectful, alert, and attentive
Show willingness to work it out on the board
Committee wants you to succeed
If you get stuck/flustered under questioning
They might throw you lifeline – recognize and utilize
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