Welcome back to “How to Survive Dance Studio Life with Tiffany Henderson” I’m Amanda Scott the Director of Operations for Twinkle Star Dance. As we all “pivot” and learn to “navigate the new normal” in our dance studio businesses we are taking some of the content from Tiffany’s most recent webinars and turning them into podcasts - making them easy to listen to and refer back to at any time.
Today’s episode is from Tiffany’s webinar called “Lights, Camera, Action: How to Create your Virtual Dance Recital.” Throughout the webinar you will hear Tiffany talk about how to produce a virtual dance recital, why she decided on this route for her seven dance studio locations, and the steps she is taking to prepare her dancers and staff.
Don’t miss why Tiffany encourages you to “follow you gut,” why it is important to provide a show opportunity to close out the season, and how to present a virtual recital option to your studio community. Take a listen.
We would love to have you and your staff join us for Pinnacle LIVE July 10-11. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to take advantage of our special Pinnacle LIVE pricing at www.pinnacledanceconference.com. Tune in next time for Tiffany’s take on Reopening your dance studio to in person classes. Thanks for listening!